Innovative implementation of the partnership principle in EU cohesion policy – call for expressions of interest

marzo 18, 2023

Innovative implementation of the partnership principle in EU cohesion policy – call for expressions of interest

  • DG REGIO y OECD are looking for public authorities interested in implementing innovative citizen participation in the implementation of cohesion policy funds.
  • DG REGIO and the OECD are working together to promote innovative citizen participation in cohesion policy.
  • The OECD will provide technical assistance to managing authorities, intermediaries and beneficiaries in the design and implementation of participatory processes.
  • The call for applications is open to all public authorities responsible for managing or implementing cohesion policy funds, including the European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund and JTF.
  • Applicants can be managing authorities, intermediate bodies or beneficiaries at any level of government, jointly with a civil society organisation.
  • Call.
  • Application form.
  • Recording of a Q&A webinar (password: DGREGIO2023).
  • OECD contact:
    Deadline: 30.04.2023.
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